Botulinum toxin weakens facial muscles that cause wrinkles. It can also reshape your face by reducing the size of certain muscles. It is most effective on wrinkles that have not quite set, such as the dynamic wrinkles that appear when you make facial expressions such as frowning, squinting, laughing or raising your eyebrows.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Reduce dynamic wrinkles and lines
  • Smoother skin
  • Prevent the development of permanent fine lines and static wrinkles
  • Reduction in jaw muscle size
  • V-line face shape, better contouring of face shape
  • Treats bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Treat twitching eyelids

Side effects are possible: bruising, swelling and pain at the site of injection. Other side effects that are specific to the site of the toxin injection are temporary facial asymmetry and, in fewer than 1% of cases, drooping eyelids or eyebrows that return to their natural position within a few months. Side effects are usually just temporary and some asymmetry can be corrected with a touch up.

About 30 – 60 minutes per session depending on the number of areas being treated.

Botox are administered through injections, so there will be the pain associated with needleprick at the areas where the Botox is administered. The needles used are really tiny and the pain is usually tolerable by numbing the area for a minute with a cold pack prior to injection.

Depending on individual skin condition and the concerned areas, each treatment generally last for about 6 months and can be done again 4-6 months later if needed.