Profhilo is a 100% pure HA, chemical stabilizer-free product that hydrates your skin and also bio-remodels sagging skin by improving fat tissue renewal. It contains 2 types of HA: L-HA and H-HA, allowing it to be released slowly and lasts longer to allow bio-remodelling to take place. The HA stimulates the production of more collagen by keratinocytes. Profhilo not only hydrates the skin, it also provides tightening, lifting and rejuvenating effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Deep skin hydration
  • Increase collagen and elastin levels in skin
  • Tissue and scarring repair
  • Dewy and plumper-looking complexion
  • It has one of the highest concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on the market (64mg/2ml)

About 40 to 60 minutes per session.

The area to be treated will be cleaned and disinfected. Your face will be numbed with topical anesthesia prior to the injection and the needle used is very tiny (29g), which should minimise the pain of the injections and make the treatment tolerable. A total of only 5 injections on each side are required, reducing pain and risk of bruising, unlike other skinbooster treaments which usually require more than 30 injection points. This is especially advantageous for busy people who want minimal downtime.

The full treatment consists of two sessions, 4 weeks apart. The first session stimulates hydration and provides a volumizing effect. The second session serves to ‘boost’ the effects, and ensure longer lasting effects. The effects of Profhilo are immediate, and continues to improve over 6-8 weeks. The effect generally Repeat sessions can be repeated 6-12 months later depending on the individual.

You may have small swellings at each injection point right after the treatment, but these will usually subside within 24 hours given that it is designed to spread out through the skin quickly. Small bruises may occur but these are usually easily concealed as there are only 5 injection points per side. It is important to have the procedure done by an experienced injector of Profhilo as the injection technique is important in achieving optimum results. It should not be injected too deeply into the skin, as this will not produce satisfactory results. There are no long-term side effects or risks, as Profhilo is broken down by the body completely. It is also bio-compatible, and doesn’t cause any inflammatory reaction.