Using either the RuVY Touch (660nm) or Q-switch 532nm laser, pigmented epidermal skin lesions can be removed safely. These wavelengths target and their energy is are absorbed by pigmented lesions. RuVY Touch is a safety proven newer pigment removal treatment using a unique wavelength that significantly reduces the possibility of having post-treatment side effects such as PIH.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pigmented lesions – eg. lentigo, freckles, seborreheic keratoses, Hori’s nevus
  • Melasma
  • Dull Skin
  • Skin Brightening & Rejuvenation

Patients may experience mild redness, frosting and scab formation at the sites of treatment for several days depending on the laser wavelength and energy used which differs between skin conditions. It is important not to pick any scabs or crusts off and to use sun protection. Our Doctor will discuss and address your concerns before the treatment. You will feel some pressure, heat and prickling sensation and it is usually bearable with topical anesthetic cream.

Approximately 30 – 60 minutes per session.

Most patients will feel a prickling sensation and some warmth when the laser is applied to the skin. The mild pain is usually tolerable even without anesthesia.

The number of sessions required varies depending on the individual skin condition being treated. Often 2-3 sessions are required for small, superficial lesions and more are required for deeper, larger lesions.